We are taking a PAWS
Hello Kittens!
If you're looking for Kittees (
you're in the right place!
However, I am taking a paws on Kittees for the time being as I have had some major life changes come about. In March of this year, my partner and love suddenly passed away when I was about 14 weeks pregnant with our first child.
My baby will be due in September, which also made the idea if vending at CatCon this year a bit daunting.
For the sake of my mental and physical health and for the sake of my new lil baby, I decided taking a break from Kittees was the best course of action.
I hope to return to this passion project in time as it's always been a fun and social creative outlet for me.
I am including a list of a few vendors that are carrying Kittees in their shops if you are searching for my quirky tees!
Thank you for the years of support!
-Mandie Bee & Baby Amelia